Monday, June 25, 2007

What's this?

An excerpt from Nirmal Shekar's article in "The Hindu" on Wimbledon

"Ah, the languorous pleasure of waiting to watch grass court
tennis at Wimbledon, and then, being seduced into a reverie as
tiny rain drops keep falling on billowing court covers!"

As if we are the audience of a literature contest? This is one reason I have always made it a point not to read his articles unless its about a really favorite topic of mine.

I remember the character Ray, in the sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond" reading a book in exchange for his wife watching the ballgame with him on TV. He would read the first sentence as "Imagine a rain so beautiful that it actually never existed". The reaction on his face would say it all :-)


Anonymous said...

Shanky, it's typical Nirmal Shekar. He sprinkles his articles with words from GRE prep books. But the content is also good. Check out this article from today's paper. Good one.

Shankar said...

yeah.. good one. easy-a puriyudhu :-)